Morgan at Innotrans 2018
Posted: 10/07/2018
InnoTrans will open its doors on September 18th 2018, plan your visit and come and meet the Morgan traction team in Hall 9 stand 708.

Morgan Advanced Materials will be show casing several new material technologies in Innotrans --- from arc protection current collectors through to a new lighter metallised carbon strip with increased width resulting in increased life of 40% on certain applications, visit our stand to see the latest materials. Our product portfolio includes carbon brushes, brush holders, current collectors, third rail shoes, trolley bus inserts, wheel flange lubricating sticks, inserts, contacts, coupler contacts and AEGIS® shaft earthing protection and see the latest MSPRO14 commutator profiler.
When: September 18-21, 2018
Where: Stand 708, Hall 9